You can't expect anything reasonable when Hollywood gets on its high horse, but really, are our pension contributions truly helping to strip the Amazon of its rainforests? That is the claim made in a short film featuring Benedict Cumberbatch, in which the actor appears in a sauna as 'Benedict Lumberjack', the CEO of a logging company. 'The business of deforestation is on fire right now and it is all thanks to you,' he says. 'The money from your pension has helped scorch, slash and burn entire rainforests... some bits of the world are literally burning but it's just the bits that no one cares about.'
Let's sketch over the assertion that logging companies are setting fire to rainforests - emphasised in a shot of tall trees being consumed by fire. That would be an extraordinary way for a logging company to behave - why destroy the product that you are supposed to be exploiting? Logging companies might well burn the brash which is left over once the logs themselves have been carted off site, but to claim that they are simply set fire to the rainforest is bizarre.
Cumberbatch's claim appears to be derived from a study by an organisation called Make My Money Matter, co-founded by the film director Richard Curtis.