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Sumsub's Non-Document Identity Verification is compliant

Sumsub's Non-Document Identity Verification is compliant

As AI continues to advance, fraudsters are becoming more adept at creating and altering documents. Sumsub's 2023 Identity Fraud Report reveals a staggering average increase of 163% in fake IDs and a 147% rise in counterfeit passports in developed countries from 2021 to 2023. In the Asia-Pacific regin, nations like Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Cambodia have witnessed identity fraud rates more than doubling, emphasising the urgent need for customised solutions that can respond to these evolving threats.

Non-Doc, allows for the verification of customer identities without the need for ID submission, presenting an alternative to conventional document verification methods. Instead, users supply essential personal information, like an identification number, which the verification provider securely cross-references with trusted government databases. Although this innovative approach is rapidly gaining traction among client firms and verification providers, Non-Doc has already demonstrated its compliance as a KYC method in numerous jurisdictions.

Benefits of document-free versus document-based verification include:

The solution has undergone testing by FINTRAIL, focusing on two primary criteria: regulatory compliance across various jurisdictions (including AML/CTF legislation, cryptocurrency and trading regulations, as well as other industry standards) and technical efficiency (evaluating whether processes such as identity data authentication and bank credential verification align with local regulatory requirements). Sumsub's product demonstrates regulatory compliance in 18 countries, achieving top scores where the Non-Doc solution is implemented.

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