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Legend Senior Living Names Rebecca Butler as Vice President of Marketing and Brand Strategy

Legend Senior Living Names Rebecca Butler as Vice President of Marketing and Brand Strategy

WICHITA, Kan., Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Legend Senior Living, a senior living owner/operator based in Wichita, KS, has announced Rebecca Butler as its new Vice President of Marketing and Brand Strategy. Butler will assume direction of Legend's national marketing and branding from the Wichita headquarters, starting immediately. Her responsibilities at Legend will include directing the marketing strategy for all media, leading the marketing creative team, developing marketing strategies with regional sales directors, and overseeing the brand communications for over 60 senior living residences operated by the company in six states.

With a bachelor's degree from the Central Connecticut State University marketing program, Butler brings more than 10 years of global marketing and agency experience in go-to-market campaigns, directing projects all the way from strategic planning to execution. As a vice president of marketing for international agencies, she has spearheaded multimedia programs for a global fitness technology company, a major CPG healthcare provider and for such national brands as Logitech. Her brand work has been featured in such prominent publications as Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Men's Health and TIME.

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