Turin, 19thDecember 2024. IDV, the brand of Iveco Group (EXM: IVG) specialised in defence and civil protection equipment, has signed a contract with the Direzione Armamenti Terrestri (DAT) of the Italian Ministry of Defence for the supply of 1,453 tactical-logistic trucks. The new vehicles, to be delivered in the period extending from 2025 to 2038, represent an important step in the renewal and modernisation of the Italian Army's fleet of tactical-logistic vehicles. The value of the overall contract is 755 million euros.
The contract is for the supply of a variety of military logistic platforms based on the new IDV truck range and equipped with tactical cabins. The vehicles will be manufactured in the Iveco Group Piacenza plant and will come in diverse configurations ̶ from troop and material transport to water tankers, fuel tankers, container carriers, recovery vehicles and towing systems ̶ offering a deep logistical commonality among the different platforms as well. These are next-generation vehicles that ensure customers the highest levels of mobility, safety, manoeuvrability and reliability.
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