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Scottish secretary takes jab at SNP's foreign affairs fiasco

Scottish secretary takes jab at SNP's foreign affairs fiasco

Tensions are brewing between Sir Keir Starmer's Labour lot and John Swinney's SNP north of the border. Now Scotland Secretary Ian Murray has hit out at the Nats, urging the Scottish government to ditch their cack-handed foreign affairs efforts and focus on Scotland's domestic issues instead. It's not like they've already had almost two decades to get started on this, eh?

Murray blasted the SNP government over its financial woes, saying its difficulties were 'because of the choices [it has] made and [it] should be prioritising the things that are the top priority for the Scottish people'. The Scotland Secretary went on to make a rather direct jibe at the SNP's Culture Secretary Angus Robertson - whose meeting with the Israeli deputy ambassador last month embroiled the party in yet more controversy, with members taking to social media to slam the group and even cancel their party memberships over the matter. Talk about throwing your toys out the pram...

Blasting the SNP government's handling of the whole palaver, Murray remarked:

The Israel-Gaza issue with Angus Robertson shows you that this is why we have one foreign policy: to make sure that the voice of the UK is that of the UK government's foreign policy... So yes, we should be working in partnership to make sure we can promote Scotland abroad, but it's got to be done...within the framework of foreign policy, which is set by the UK government.

Mr S is rather sceptical, however, about whether Murray's words will hit home in SNP HQ. But with the 2026 Holyrood election around the corner and the SNP's future looking increasingly bleak, the Nats would certainly do well to at least try and focus on domestic delivery before then. Not that the SNP is best known for heeding good advice...

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