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2024 Missouri Women Led Law Firms

2024 Missouri Women Led Law Firms

We live in an era in which the majority of law school graduates are women and where female attorneys, law firm leaders and judges are common.

There are certainly many law firms in Missouri in which women serve as managing partners, to say nothing of practice area leaders and other similar roles. There are also many firms that women helped found alongside male partners, ranging from wife-and-husband teams to collections of some of the most prominent attorneys in the state.

Nonetheless, male ownership and leadership remains the norm. So in this special feature from Missouri Lawyers Media, we examine the handful of law firms in Missouri that were founded or are now led by women.

These are firms that specialize in a wide range of practices, from family law to civil litigation to medical privacy. They are found in Missouri's largest legal markets and in its smaller cities.

In compiling this list, we excluded female solo practitioners, as they are woman-led by definition. Instead, we've featured firms with at least four attorneys in which the founding partners are women, as well as firms that may have included men at the founding but now are run by women.

While we hope this list is as broad and comprehensive as possible, let us know if there are any firms we've overlooked.

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