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TICOVAC (tick-borne encephalitis vaccine) injection [Pfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer Inc]

TICOVAC (tick-borne encephalitis vaccine) injection [Pfizer Laboratories Div Pfizer Inc]

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a vaccine cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another vaccine and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.

Among a total of 10 clinical trials, 3240 healthy children 1 through 15 years of age received at least one dose of TICOVAC. A total of 4427 healthy adults 16 years of age and older received at least one dose of TICOVAC in 10 clinical trials.

Study 209 was a multicenter, open-label study to investigate the safety of TICOVAC in 2,417 healthy children 1 through 15 years of age who received three vaccinations (Day 0, 1 and 6 months after the first vaccination). The incidence rates for local and systemic solicited adverse reactions within 4 days after each dose are presented in Table 2.

Incidence rates of fever reported within 4 days after each dose of TICOVAC, by age group, in Study 209 are presented in Table 3.

The following additional adverse reactions to the vaccine have been reported in <1% of subjects 1 through 15 years of age who received TICOVAC in clinical trials (N=3240): vertigo, dizziness, sensory abnormalities, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, injection site pruritus, and urticaria.

Study 208 was a randomized, comparative, single-blind study that assessed the safety of TICOVAC. Healthy subjects 16 through <65 years of age (N=3966) were randomized 3:1 to receive two vaccinations with either TICOVAC or a non-US licensed TBE vaccine comparator administered 21 to 35 days apart. Study 213 was an open-label follow-up study to Study 208; all subjects who had received two vaccinations in Study 208 (regardless of which vaccine they had received) were eligible and received a third vaccination with TICOVAC 6 months after the first vaccination in Study 208 (N=3705).

Incidence rates of solicited local and systemic adverse reactions reported in Study 208 (Doses 1 and 2) and Study 213 (Dose 3) are presented in Table 4.

The following additional adverse reactions have been reported in <1% of subjects 16 through <65 years of age who received TICOVAC in clinical trials (N=4427): hypersensitivity, somnolence, vertigo, diarrhea, abdominal pain, injection site pruritus, and injection site warmth.

Subjects who were seropositive either by ELISA or NT 1 month after the third dose in Studies 209 and 208/213, were invited to participate in follow-up Studies 700401 and 223 (studies assessing antibody persistence and response to a booster dose at 3 years), respectively. A total of 156 subjects received a fourth dose of TICOVAC (0.25 mL), and 240 subjects received a fourth dose of TICOVAC (0.5 mL) in these clinical trials.

Incidence rates of solicited local and systemic adverse reactions reported in Study 223 and 70401 after the booster are presented in Table 5.

Among 3240 subjects who received TICOVAC (0.25 mL) in clinical trials, serious adverse events (SAEs) and death were reported in 62 subjects and 1 subject, respectively. Among 4427 subjects who received TICOVAC (0.5 mL) in clinical trials, SAEs and deaths were reported in 54 subjects and 2 subjects, respectively. None of these events was considered related to the vaccine. Only one SAE in TICOVAC (0.25 mL) was considered possibly related to vaccine (febrile convulsion reported in a 12-month old male two days after vaccination in Study 197, a postmarketing safety surveillance study).

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