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Wonderful News! Easy Access to Archived Versions of Web Pages From the Wayback Machine Now Available via Google Search Results Pages

By Gary Price

Wonderful News! Easy Access to Archived Versions of Web Pages From the Wayback Machine Now Available via Google Search Results Pages

Ed. Note: Wonderful news for the web research community. Congrats to Brewster Kahle, Mark Graham, and the Entire IA/Wayback Team!

From The Internet Archive:

In a significant step forward for digital preservation, Google Search is now making it easier than ever to access the past. Starting today, users everywhere can view archived versions of webpages directly through Google Search, with a simple link to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

How It Works

To access this new feature, conduct a search on Google as usual. Next to each search result, you'll find three dots -- clicking on these will bring up the "About this Result" panel. Within this panel, select "More About This Page" to reveal a link to the Wayback Machine page for that website.

Through this direct link, you'll be able to view previous versions of a webpage via the Wayback Machine, offering a snapshot of how it appeared at different points in time.


Mark Graham, director of the Wayback Machine, explains:

"The web is aging, and with it, countless URLs now lead to digital ghosts. Businesses fold, governments shift, disasters strike, and content management systems evolve -- all erasing swaths of online history. Sometimes, creators themselves hit delete, or bow to political pressure. Enter the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine: for more than 25 years, it's been preserving snapshots of the public web. This digital time capsule transforms our "now-only" browsing into a journey through internet history. And now, it's just a click away from Google search results, opening a portal to a fuller, richer web -- one that remembers what others have forgotten."

Direct to Complete IA Blog Post

See Also: So Long to the Google Cache, Time to Consider the Wayback Machine Browser Extension/Add-On (If You're Not Already Using It) (Feb. 2024)

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