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Your Daily FoodScope for September 11, 2024

Your Daily FoodScope for September 11, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question -- how much of it? It's a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!

You may be asked to lead a work group today. That's a big responsibility, but you're up to the task. But don't be a dictator; let others have their say as well. This will also be true as everyone decides where to go for lunch. Not everyone will be into sushi, so you may have to settle for a Bento box and miso soup.

Power struggles at the office will actually be comical today, especially since you won't be involved in them. So throw a bag of popcorn into the microwave, sit back, and watch the fireworks as co-workers fight and claw to one up each other. It'll be better than that 'Wolverine' movie.

Your opinion of the incredible, edible egg may radically change today. Research will have you seeing through the myths that have been built up over this avian orb. So only use the egg whites if you're concerned about fat and cholesterol. What you'll have left is a delicious protein bomb that should not be ignored or vilified.

You'll be like Stephen Hawking starring in a Three Stooges short today. Your co-workers' intellectual levels will not match your lofty mental prowess, but avoid stooping to their levels. Still, you'll secretly be amused as they toss M&M's into the air and catch them with their open mouths, but you'll be too highbrow to show it.

Don't let relationship problems go unresolved. Hashing things out over a nice breakfast could put things back on an even keel. Discussing issues over eggs sunny-side up and hash browns could have you two kissing and making up, which might put getting to work on time in serious jeopardy.

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Be open to new ways of doing things today -- changing your routine slightly could give you a fresh perspective. But don't direct this new philosophy solely to work. Having sweet and sour soup instead of wonton for lunch will be a stretch, so it'll be okay to get the shrimp chow mein like you do every time.

A romantic connection may have recently come undone, and now you're feeling sorry for yourself. There's nothing wrong with wallowing in self-pity as long as you don't drown in it. So look to simple pleasures to lift your spirits, and a spaghetti and meatball dinner may fit the bill quite nicely.

You have your finger firmly on the pulse of current culinary trends, and you always know what's hip and hot. But today you'll leave the hype and hoopla behind and go for an old favorite. Your mom will be happy to see you and you'll be just as happy to chow down on her turkey croquettes with giblet gravy.

Not being able to comprehend new ideas could have a serious impact on your day. So do what you can to stimulate your mental capabilities without caffeine or Red Bull. The natural sugars in mango or orange slices will give you a slow-burning rush that will tide you over until lunch.

Your plans for today may fall apart before you even get to lunch. But being versatile could keep the day from becoming a total disaster. You'll need to think straight, but don't turn to caffeine for mental stimulation. Japanese Gyokuro tea will give you a brainy boost while soothing your frazzled nerves.

Your positive energy will be infectious today, and you'll be a Pied Piper of good cheer. A good night's sleep may be at the root of your ebullience, and having a cup of valerian tea an hour before bedtime was a good idea. In fact, any herbal tea will relax you, and have you cradled in the arms of Morpheus all night long.

You may have too many thoughts ping-ponging in your brain today, and sorting them out will be hard. A few cups of chamomile tea could be a beacon in the fog, especially if you nibble of a sliver of dark chocolate as you drink it. That light you see may be your mental light bulb suddenly switching on.

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