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Exclusive | Age-appropriate love is 2025's hottest trend -- I'm looking at you,...

Exclusive | Age-appropriate love is 2025's hottest trend  --  I'm looking at you,...

Something both horrifying and fascinating happened to me the day I turned 40: my matches on dating apps plummeted.

Not because my looks or bio had changed -- just my age.

Apparently, a lot of men set their matching age preferences to cap out at 39, leaving anyone over 40 out of the running.

Here's a man with the world at his feet -- a Hollywood star with (one assumes) a healthy bank account and many a red carpet to parade some hot, young thing down.

But he chose to romance a woman in his age bracket. Women over 40 fist-pumped the air in delight!

Having met Jackman last December when I attended a breakfast in Tribeca, held by one of his closest friends, I can vouch for his good character. He was warm and friendly with not a hint of sleaze.

And, trust me, I was trying to give him the ol' wink and nod -- but clearly his heart was beating elsewhere.

Jackman could've had anyone. And, let's be honest, many men in his shoes would've grabbed a Victoria's Secret catalog -- cough, cough, Bradley Cooper -- and picked out a younger supermodel purely for ego's sake.

But no.

Jackman found in Sutton a woman who appreciates theater, musicals and artistic outlets as much as he does. Someone with whom he could sing show tunes until their dying days.

He looked beyond the surface and found a soulmate -- not just arm candy.

Yes, in a world where middle-aged men casually waltz off with women who weren't even born when "Titanic" hit the big screen, Jackman's decision feels downright revolutionary.

Enter stage left, Keanu Reeves, 60. Sweet, soulful Reeves, who's been with Alexandra Grant -- at 51, a woman in his actual age bracket -- - for years. Their relationship is such a refreshing palate cleanser after decades of Hollywood's obsession with pairing older men with younger women.

Reeves and Jackman are out here reminding us that shared life experiences and emotional depth might just be the hottest trend of 2025.

You see, for years, women over 40 have been sent the memo that they're past their prime. And it's been exhausting.

But it's time to retire the outdated notion that beauty has an expiration date.

Consider just-divorced Jennifer Lopez, who at 55 is still turning heads with her flawless glow and gym-honed physique. Nicole Kidman, 57, graces red carpets and campaigns with timeless elegance. And Halle Berry, at 58, is redefining sexy with every confident stride.

These women are living proof that confidence, self-care and embracing who you are only make you more stunning with age.

Look at Kidman in "Babygirl," seducing a younger man while radiating grown-woman confidence. This isn't about reversing the trope; it's about leveling the playing field.

If men can date younger without raising eyebrows, why can't women? Spoiler alert: we can, and many of my friends think it's fabulous.

But back to Jackman and Reeves -- because I'm not done yet!

Their choices send a powerful message to women everywhere: you're not invisible just because you're over 35.

Personally, leading up to my 40th birthday, I kept hearing the narrative that women above that age belonged on the clearance rack while men got upgraded to the luxury section. But now, these two silver foxes are flipping the script, showing us that emotional maturity is far more valuable than chasing someone who wasn't even alive during the "Friends" finale.

And let's not overlook the sheer relief of it. No awkward generational gaps to navigate, no TikTok dances to learn, and no explaining who Nirvana is.

Case in point: Every time Leonardo DiCaprio, 50, parades another under-27 model on a red carpet or yacht, I can't help but think: "What the heck do you talk about?"

Surely, these young women aren't lining up to hear him recount "back in my day" stories. No, they should be having glorious sex with fit, sprightly men their own age -- not babysitting a dad bod on the dance floor.

So, here's the big question: Could Jackman and Reeves' example inspire the rest of us to rethink our dating habits?

Imagine a world where we stopped chasing the unattainable and started valuing people who actually get us.

Where dates didn't feel like cross-generational cultural exchanges. ("What's an MP3 player?" ... "What's TikTok?")

Where maturity and being on the same wavelength became the new aphrodisiacs.

Revolutionary, right?

So here's to Hollywood hunks Jackman and Reeves, the patron saints of age-appropriate romance. Their love lives prove that genuine connection is far hotter than a six-pack any day.

And for those of us hitting our 40s, it's a reminder that we're not just still in the game -- we're winning it.

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