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U.S. v. Google: Ad tech antitrust trial by numbers -- so far

By Marty Swant

U.S. v. Google: Ad tech antitrust trial by numbers  --  so far

The trial sheds light on the intricate workings of Google's ad-tech dominance and the industry's competitive dynamics, with some of its more esoteric offerings, such as its ad server and ad exchange, a.k.a. 'DFP' and 'AdX, et al. debated extensively (see right).

In disclosures contained in more than 1,800 trial exhibits plus the testimonies of more than 25 witnesses over seven days entered by the DOJ, the complexity and implications of Google's dominance of the digital advertising ecosystem slowly comes into view.

Below are some of the key numbers revealed in the trial so far.

Emails by former Google insiders revealed that Microsoft was prepared to pay $2 billion for DoubleClick in early 2007. Google ultimately acquired it for $3.1 billion, considering Microsoft's bid a significant threat to AdSense.

In a 2008 email discussed in court, Neal Mohan, now CEO of YouTube, outlined how DoubleClick would integrate into Google's display ad strategy.

This strategy drew criticism from competitors and the DOJ, leading to calls to break up Google. Mohan had noted the importance of separating AdX from buy-side operations to avoid a "HUGE" conflict perception in market.

Witness testimony and exhibits, such as internal messages between Google executives, revealed key stats about its ad tech dealings.

Much of the DOJ's case rests on how Google conducted itself in ad auctions, with the online tech giant allegedly attempting to curtail the rise of header bidding, including arrangements with other Big Tech players in the guise of its Jedi Blue arrangements.

At the core of the case is how Google's ad tech empire impacts publishers' online monetization efforts with former News Corp. and Gannett execs revealing curious statistics, including the former's efforts to wean itself off AdX through its "Project Cinderella" effort.

The 53% win-rate enjoyed by Google is in stark contrast to those of its rivals, with ad-tech experts also appearing on the stand to offer some perspective.

DOJ lawyers are planning to rest their case on Sept. 20, with Google lawyers on course to formally begin their defense the following week.

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