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Smokies baseball fans share favorite memories at last regular season game before moving stadiums

Smokies baseball fans share favorite memories at last regular season game before moving stadiums

KODAK, Tenn. -- The Smokies are moving to the Covenant Health Park stadium in Knoxville next season. Fans shared their memories and hopes for the future for the last game of the regular season in Kodak.

Brent Atchley, a Smokies season holder, said he's had access to Smokies season tickets since they moved into the stadium in 2000.

"I love the team we have now, especially the team last year. I made all the playoff games last year, the one in Chattanooga and drove to Pensacola. So it was a great year last year and ready to do it again this year," said Atchley.

Atchley's brother, Bryan Atchley, was the mayor of Sevierville from 1995 to his death in 2018. He said his brother went to every single game in the first season and he wanted to honor him for the last season.

"I decided I would go ahead and attend every game this year and I made it," said Atchley.

He said the games are a great experience to be able to attend.

"I've described it before, the way they used to advertise it. It's like a nine-inning vacation. I just come out here and sit, forget about everything else and enjoy the baseball game," said Atchley.

Atchley said he won't be a season ticket holder once the team moves to Knoxville, but he still wants to go to games. He said he lives in Seymour.

"I got to see how the parking works out, but I'll still be a Smokies fan. Be it Tennessee Smokies or Knoxville Smokies. I love the players. It's tough to know it's the last season game, we'll be back Tuesday night in the playoffs. But it's tough being here for the last season game," said Atchley.

He said he remembers when a hill caught on fire during one of the first seasons from a firework and someone attempting to sing the Canadian National Anthem.

"I remember the opening night back in 2000, won't embarrass Scott but mentioning his name but had to sing the Canadian national anthem since we were with the Blue Jays. He tried two or three times to go. 'Oh, Canada.' And that's as far as he got, so he took the words out," said Atchley.

Will Jaggers, another Smokies fan, said he's been coming since he was younger.

"I've been coming to the Smokies game since probably 1st, 2nd grade. Like when I was really young back in like 2001, 2002 and it's, it was always super duper fun. I've been to four or five this year and they've always been a great time and I wanted to come to the last one here since, you know, it's a lot of history and it's gonna be a lot of fun downtown next season," said Jaggers.

Jaggers said one of his favorite memories is his son being a part of the chicken chase on the field.

"The first time he did it, he said he wanted to do it every single time he comes. So we might have to do that today as well. And then also plenty of ice cream, so nice little ice cream cups as well," said Jaggers.

Jaggers said the new stadium will be a closer drive.

"I live in Blount County, Louisville, near the airport. And so I'll be 15 minutes from the new stadium versus 40 or so from where we're at now. But I'm very stoked about it. We're big Smokies fans here," said Jaggers.

He said he hopes people continue to show their support for the team once they move to Knoxville.

"I just want people to support them when they move downtown and, go Smokies. I hope that they win by 20 runs, but probably not likely," said Jaggers.

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