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Counteract the Fat: A Book That Takes a Cutting-Edge Approach to Cholesterol Control, Weight Control & Disease Prevention With Less Dietary Restriction

By David Thompson

Counteract the Fat: A Book That Takes a Cutting-Edge Approach to Cholesterol Control, Weight Control & Disease Prevention With Less Dietary Restriction

Junk food is so loved by many of us. What is not loved are the associated medical conditions and weight gain. Over time, scientific studies have been conducted at various institutions across America and abroad. These studies have indicated that fiber and antioxidants can mitigate the health risks associated with junk food by counteracting the physiological effects of high-fat and other junk food. This does not mean that unlimited consumption of junk food without consequences is now possible. What it means is greater freedom, fewer restrictions, and a wider variety of food choices for healthy individuals. These groundbreaking discoveries are uncovered in the book Counteract the Fat: How Scientific Studies Have Shown That Fiber and Antioxidants Can Counteract the Physiological Effects of Junk Food and Promote Cholesterol and Weight Control With Less Restriction - ISBN: 9798398923704. The following concepts are discussed in the book:

Counteract the Fat is a viable alternative to severely restrictive eating habits that stands alone as an informative, research-backed contribution to dietary science. The book explains how fiber and antioxidants can help stave off illness and obesity in a non-severely restrictive diet. Counteract the Fat is ideal for healthy adults with no history of debilitating illnesses who would like to maintain their health without sacrificing their favorite indulgences. Counteract the Fat uncovers discoveries made by scientists at more than a dozen world-class institutions.

DéShond L Barnes discovered the Counteract the Fat concept in the late 1990s by poring through medical journals and health, nutrition, and diet publications for nearly a year, and has practiced the revolutionary Counteract the Fat methodology ever since -- with incredible success. By examining nutrition facts labels, calculating the total amount of fiber, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients provided by health foods, and consuming a daily diet containing an average of 100+% of the Recommended Daily Allowance for fiber, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients -- Barnes has maintained excellent blood cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and body weight over the decades without sacrificing unhealthy junk food favorites. This has inspired Barnes to share this information with the rest of the world by publishing Counteract the Fat more than two decades later. Barnes also teaches Counteract the Fat seminars at local Y.M.C.A.s and public libraries in northern Illinois to spread the word about the Counteract the Fat methodology. Barnes lives and writes in northern Illinois.

If you are a journalist, editor, or other member of the media, you may request a complimentary review copy of Counteract the Fat. Send your request to: [email protected].

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