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Supervisors set to hear water update

By Nick McConnell

Supervisors set to hear water update

By Nick McConnell, Times-Herald, Vallejo, Calif. The Tribune Content Agency

The Solano County Board of Supervisors will the purchase of a retirement facility, the reallocation of ARPA funds, lead abatement, and the Delta Tunnel Project among other items at Tuesday morning's weekly meeting.

On the Delta Tunel project and water resources, the staff report explains that the project has implications well beyond Solano, but the county is uniquely positioned in the middle of the issue.

"It is therefore a resource of statewide and national importance, with a lot of stakeholders and focus on it. Solano County, however, is in a unique position in that any decision regarding the Delta has local implications on the future of the County," the staff report reads.

The update will also include projects conducted by the state in Solano County, including the Cache Slough project, for which a levee was recently removed.

In Solano County, the Cache Slough area, primarily north and east of Rio Vista, is a prime target area because it is the right elevation for tidal restoration and habitat and is farm and open space versus urbanized lands. One of the largest projects is the Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration and Flood Improvement Project. Located on the eastern Solano County line within Cache Slough region, the project converts over 3,400 acres of agricultural lands to tidal wetlands.

At 2 p.m, the county will hold a Board Priority Workshop, through which county staff will receive updates on the board's top issues. Economic Development, Workforce Development, county services, housing and more will be discussed and prioritized. Between the two meetings, the board will enter closed session to hold a series of labor negotiations with county staff and their representatives.

Anquanitte Ortega, Senior Health Education Specialist, will be recognized on her retirement after 20 years of service in the public health division. Under the consent calender, Regina Yin, Cynthia Garcia, Lisa Hilas, Judge Nichelle Holmes, Tiffanee Jones and Jeann McDougald will be recognized as Women of the Year.

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