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Old Fort's Christmas decorations were destroyed by Hurricane Helene. Donations flowed in to replace them.

By Mike Conley Nconley

Old Fort's Christmas decorations were destroyed by Hurricane Helene. Donations flowed in to replace them.

This Christmas, Old Fort will have new holiday decorations to replace what Hurricane Helene took away.

The town's Christmas decorations were destroyed by flooding from Hurricane Helene in late September, Old Fort Mayor Pam Snypes said in October.

At an Old Fort Board of Aldermen meeting, Snypes said the decorations were a little old, but they were all the town had. When the hurricane swept through, the decorations were destroyed -- right before the holiday season.

The town asked for donations of Christmas decorations.

Since then, individuals and groups have come forward to replace what the town lost in time for the town's Christmas parade on Dec. 14.

"We have been blessed by receiving donations from different vendors," Snypes said.

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The TJ & Riggins Show podcast and radio show donated new lights and garland for the town's poles. At the parade, the TJ & Riggins Show will provide a food truck and toys for kids. The food truck will serve ham, three sides, cornbread and apple pie for free, Snypes said.

First Presbyterian Church of Marion donated new signs that say "Merry Christmas" and 100 fresh-cut Christmas trees to be given away for free after the parade. The church choir from First Freewill Baptist will sing, Snypes said.

A new Nativity scene in the town's mini park was donated as well.

This Nativity scene was handmade by Dave Brubaker and his family of Raleigh, Snypes said.

Brubaker's Bible study group assisted with its construction.

"He drove from Raleigh to deliver and install the set," Snypes said. "His daughter accompanied him."

This new Nativity scene is lit up at night and prominently features the word "HOPE."

The town also needed a new Christmas tree for the park. The Rev. Jerry Lewis and his outreach from Grace Community Church got Old Fort a 12-foot-tall tree for the annual tree lighting ceremony after the parade.

The parade will be held Saturday, Dec. 14, at 4 p.m.

The parade will begin at Old Fort Elementary School, come up East Crawford Street, turn onto Catawba Avenue and turn right onto East Mitchell Street.

It will be followed by a tree lighting ceremony at the mini park. The Mountain Gateway Museum and the Arrowhead Gallery will hold special events that day before the parade. The Old Fort Business Association has activities scheduled.

"We want lots of people to attend," Snypes said.

The decoration, activities and parade are more proof that Old Fort is coming back, she said.

"So, as you see, Old Fort Christmas celebration will continue this year," said Snypes. "Maybe not what it was before the storm, but we are determined to move forward, and these blessings from kind-hearted folks give us the opportunity to do so."

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