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Lacasa breaks ground on supportive housing units in Goshen

Lacasa breaks ground on supportive housing units in Goshen

Nov. 7 -- GOSHEN -- Three new buildings to support marginalized groups are set to be constructed on Lakeview Drive on the city's north side.

Lacasa held a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday with its partners in the project Oaklawn, Bashor Children's Home, Indiana Housing & Community Development, City of Goshen, Surf Internet and DJ Construction.

"At Lacasa, we have long embraced a holistic approach to how we serve our clients," Lacasa president and CEO Jeremy Stutsman said. "It's never just about housing. It's about empowering families through partnerships, outreach, auto loans, financial literacy, and leadership programs ... Together we're offering more than just a roof, we're offering a pathway to a brighter future."

The three housing projects are part of a large seven-complex plan to support Lacasa's mission to create opportunity for personal empowerment, family stability and neighborhood vitality.

The first of the three buildings will be permanent supportive housing for the chronically homeless, partnering with Oaklawn.

"We know the challenges faced by our chronically homeless neighbors and they are profound," Stutsman said, "which is why permanent supportive housing is so crucial. It provides shelter and stability and resources individuals need to thrive."

It is Lacasa and Oaklawn's fifth permanent supportive housing project in the county but will be their first to have some two-bedroom units.

"That's important because it's going to allow us to reunite families as well," Stutsman said.

Oaklawn will provide counseling and life services for the tenants.

The buildings are also being housed on Oaklawn property

"It's a practice that is backed by research that shows it's effective that embraces a philosophy called 'Housing First,'" President and CEO of Oaklawn Lori Nafziger said. "This recognizes that safe and stable housing is bedrock. It's basic need. It has to happen before you can really effectively engage in any kind of treatment. ... If you think about it for just a second it should make sense to everybody here because if you don't know where you're sleeping tonight, it's hard to think about, 'You know, I ought to go talk to my therapist and pour my gut out.'"

The second facility will feature transitional housing for children aging out of foster care, partnering with Bashor.

"Too often these young people slip through the cracks," Stutsman said, adding that 40-50% of children who age out of foster care become homeless within 18 months of aging out. "We're hoping to be part of changing those statistics for the better."

Lacasa is one of only four agencies in Indiana that the Department of Child Services and Indiana Housing & Community Development selected for funding from the HOME Investment Partnerships Program to build this type of housing, Stutsman said. Bashor will be a service partner and have offices at the location.

"They'll have support wrapped around them that will help them accomplish their goals," said President and CEO of Bashor Sean McCrindle. "We're going to open doors for kids, kids who definitely need it. ... Stable and effective supportive services are key and a catalyst for our kids achieving the goals that we all wish for our kids at home."

Lacasa is also partnering with ReStor church, providing essential items such as sheets, towels, pots and pans, and some groceries.

"At the end of the day, all we have is underdog stories," McCrindle said. "I love underdog stories."

The third building will offer affordable housing for those with 60% Area Median Income or under. AMI for a family of four locally is about $49,000.

Surf Internet is installing fiber internet for Lacasa tenants across the board, and they have also committed to installing it at the new location.

Dani Messick is the education and entertainment reporter for The Goshen News. She can be reached at [email protected] or at 574-538-2065.

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