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Am I an entitled princess?

Am I an entitled princess?

I am a young(ish) woman, turned 28 a couple weeks ago. I live alone in a house my mother gave me and work in professional services. I make good money for my age. I am an only child, and was admittedly quite spoiled and never really taught how to do chores growing up.

I don't really know how to cook very well (I try, it just never tastes good), mop the floors properly (I do vacuum), or unclog my toilet (it makes me physically react in a way I cannot control). I can but do not enjoy doing laundry, the dishes, or changing the sheets. I do not like taking public transport in my city because it overstimulates me to the point of mental distress, so I pay for Ubers almost everywhere.

So I'd rather pay a service to do all the things I'm not good at doing or don't enjoy doing. Yes, it's a lot of money that could be better saved or spent elsewhere. But it's all my money I'm spending, it makes my life easier and gives me time to focus on my career and the things outside of it that make me want to live - like helping animals and traveling.

Which leads me to the source of the argument: one of my bosses today tried to give me some busywork, which was very publicly shot down by my grandboss because "it wouldn't make sense commercially. It's a waste of her time." We all sit in an open office, so it was awkward, but I expressed some level of satisfaction in a private text chat with an older, male, friend.

My friend then said: sometimes you can be quite entitled. It's not an insult, but you are entitled. He then cited the housework stuff above and the fact that I didn't want to be doing busywork. We argued about the fact that I'm paying for professionals to come and do the stuff I don't want to instead of demanding a partner or family member clean up after me.

And then he followed up with: paying doesn't preclude entitlement.

I'm actually confused right now. Because as I understand, being entitled means demanding special treatment. But I don't demand special treatment from anyone? I did not complain when I was assigned the busywork, I agreed to do it, and my grandboss stepped in when he caught wind of it. I don't expect other people to clean up after me for free. I pay them market rates in a fair transaction. How can that mean I'm entitled?

I'm way more upset than I should be about this exchange because I grew up in a fairly affluent (but dysfunctional) family. In many ways, indeed I was spoiled by my parents, but I was also abused and neglected with many stints in the psych ward from the C-PTSD I eventually developed.

We did not end the conversation amicably, and I don't think we are on talking terms for at least the next couple of weeks, or maybe ever, depending on what my therapist says next week. However, I'd very much appreciate if you, neutral hivemind, told me the truth. Am I entitled?

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